Monday, July 30, 2012

Tofu steak and veggie stew

For the tofu, marinate wit ith soy sauce. Heat a pan and sautee crushed garlic in olive oil.
then fry the tofu. Add marinating liquid with the tofu for the sauce.
Serve with the veggies from the veggie stew.

This veggie stew is a simple dish. Bring to boil stock of rice wash water with the onion an tomato.
Add cooked kamote (sweet potato) and the string bean. Add seasoning to taste (salt or any commercial sour mix, lime or kalamansi). Simmer and remove from heat when the string bean is already half cooked.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mashed potato with sardines and hotdog

Boil water and add the dessicated potato mix until sticky. Steam hotdog. Open a can or bottle of sardine. Serve in a plate.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dory fish in honey

For this dish, steam slices of dory fish until tender and remove from heat. In a pan sautee ginger, and garlic, add the dory fish, season with kikkoman soy sauce and add honey and simmer. Get slices of avocado and serve.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ilocos longganisa with fried eggplant and noodles

Fried eggplant and Ilocos longganisa with noodle. The way to cook longganisa is to simmer it in water. When water is gone add a bit of oil and cook the longganisa in its own lard.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Easy to open can foods

Lazy strikes again - a can of Vienna sausage and a can of tuna with rice. 
No cook meal, just open a can!
