Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Version of Baked Tahong

Force open the shell add garnishing - cheese and garlic and bake.
This was baked in an oven bread toaster.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Easy Clam soup

In a pan sautee in olive oil the onion, ginger and tomato, 
then put rice wash water and bring to boil.
Then add the clams until they open, taste and season with salt or fish sauce. 
Garnish with leeks and serve.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Rice porridge with sweet potato

Rice porridge with sweet potato garnished with sesame seeds and sea weeds 
(bought from Korean market) with slices of tomato and century egg.
Another of those easy to cook dish. 

Congee or conjee is a type of rice porridge or gruel popular in many Asian countries. When eaten as plain rice congee, it is most often served with side dishes. When additional ingredients, such as meat, fish, and flavorings, are added whilst preparing the congee, it is most often served as a meal on its own. Names for congee are as varied as the style of its preparation. Despite its many variations, it is always a thick porridge or soup of rice which has usually disintegrated after prolonged cooking in copious water.
Source -

Monday, January 9, 2012

Boiled sweet potato

Boiled sweet potato and century egg salad.

9 Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes 

1.  They are high in vitamin B6.  
2.  They are a good source of vitamin C. 
3.  They contain Vitamin D. 
4.  Sweet potatoes contain iron. 
5.  Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag­nesium.
6.  They are a source of potassium.
7.  Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the 
8.  Their rich orange colour indicates that they are high in carotenoids 
9.  Sweet potato is versatile food.

(From - Adapted with permission from The Life Force Diet by Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD.)


Monday, January 2, 2012

Steamed Bacon and Hotdog

One of the easiest way to prepare your bacon and hotdog just steam it. Wrap the hotdog with bacon and put it in your steamer. Eat with lettuce and tomato. Less grease and fat. 
